Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Deaths in custody


The aim of the First Nations Deaths In Custody Watch Committee Inc. is to monitor and ensure the effective implementation of the 339 Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aborignal Deaths in Custody (1991 RCIADIC) – ‘the Recommendations’ – in Western Australia.

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(1)     To advocate for decarceration of Australian First Nations people;

(2)     To monitor and ensure the implementation in Western Australia of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) (1987 – 1991) (the Recommendations);

(3)     To do all things and take all steps, legally within the Association’s power to promote, strengthen, defend and further the human rights of prisoners, ex-prisoners, detainees, juveniles in custody and their families and all Australian First Nations people;

(4)     To educate the public, or any section of it, on decarceration and the words and spirit of the Recommendations and foster support for their implementation;

(5)     To integrate and maintain a gender focus in the Association’s work, with issues related to incarceration which impact Australian First Nations women and children disproportionately, including violence against women and children, considered in all Association discussions and actions;

(6)     To enter into any arrangement with any institution or organisation the objects of which include objects similar to, or compatible with, those of the Association;

(7)     To attract and encourage donations, gifts, bequests, endowments, trusts and other forms of financial assistance to support the work of the Association;

(8)     To raise finance through sponsorship and grants and other means for projects and outreach programmes in furtherance of the Association’s objects;

(9)     To disseminate, whether by written publication or otherwise, information and material of any nature whatsoever relating to Australian First Nations decarceration and the support and implementation of the Recommendations in Western Australia;

(10)  To monitor the progress of all bodies responsible for the implementation of the Recommendations, take all possible measures to ensure they fulfil their responsibilities and to oversee the implementation of the Recommendations;

(11)  To formulate and recommend to all appropriate bodies any measures directed to decarceration and to the implementation of the Recommendations, and to press for their adoption;

(12)  To do all things, and take all steps, legally within the Association’s power to foster public support for the reconciliation of Australian First Nations people with the non-indigenous population and the achievement of justice for all Australians;

(13)  To create and administer a community-based membership scheme to carry out any or all of the Association’s objects;

(14)  To relieve suffering, poverty, sickness, distress or destitution amongst Australian First Nations people in the community;

(15)  To do all such things incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects; and

(16)  To remain non-sectarian and non-party political. 


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